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3 Key Takeaways from BLD Mountain West

Our Key Takeaways from a B Corp Leadership Conference

by Maiya Holliday
published on August 29, 2019
a presentations attended by many people

B Corp Leadership Development logo
Last month, one of our content creators, Kelsey, attended the BLD Mountain West event in Denver, CO. Being new to the B Corp world, the event offered the perfect opportunity for her to network and learn alongside B Corp leaders and business execs who are in the process of becoming certified. We asked Kelsey to share a few of her key takeaways from the event, and here’s what she had to say:

1. B Corps Have Built a Strong Community

When I walked into the BLD event, it was obvious that many of the attendees knew each other from past events and B Corp meetups. It was fun to see their genuine excitement about being back together in one room. I have to admit I was a bit intimidated at first. I didn’t know anyone and I’m still learning what it means to be “B,” so my anxiety crept in. Luckily, it subsided when I sat next to a woman entrepreneur who started her own purpose-driven beauty company a few years ago. It was her first BLD event too. After chatting with her, conversations got easier and I met many amazing people. I’m still in awe of how eager the attendees were to support each other’s businesses—whether it be offering guidance on the certification process, openly sharing struggles and advice, or becoming a new customer right there on the spot.

2. “How We Work Is Just as Important as Why We Work”

Grant Simmons, a consultant at Tier1 Performance Solutions, shared those words during his session and they’ve stuck with me. I now find myself being more mindful of my choices in the office—from minimizing waste and energy usage to supporting values-aligned people and businesses whenever I can. I have a renewed energy for what I do, and now, how I do it.

3. Diversity and Inclusion Can’t Be Ignored

My favorite session at BLD Mountain West was called “Diversity as a Strength, Inclusion as a Skill.” There were many important pieces of information and inspiration shared during that hour, but one concept I keep returning to is inclusive leadership. The speaker shared this graphic from Deloitte that outlines the “Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leaders.” The graphic is now pinned up in my office, and I have shared it with several peers. It’s a daily reminder that I can affect positive culture change by being cognizant, curious, culturally intelligent, collaborative, committed, and courageous in my personal and professional interactions.

The six signature traits of an inclusive leader

What Next?

The B Corp Champions Retreat is up next for the Mangrove team. Maiya and Marie will be in Los Angeles from September 16-18 attending this annual event.

A Certified B Corp, Mangrove is a woman-owned website design and development company with a diverse, talented team distributed around the globe. We’ve been building websites since 2009 that amplify the work of change-making organizations and increase the competitive power of businesses owned by historically marginalized people.

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