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A Developer’s Thoughts on Recent Updates to Webflow

In which a Mangrove developer geeks out over Webflow improvements

by mangrove team
published on December 14, 2022
Webflow Conference 2022 banner

Webflow provides a templated, “no-code” development approach that Mangrove often uses for website projects that have a simplified scope or shorter timeline. Mangrove developer Victor Martins attended the Webflow Conf 2022 in November. Here are some of his favorite updates, many of which will improve the way Mangrove can use Webflow for the benefit of our clients.


Guest Seats in Workspaces

Webflow has (finally!) made collaboration much easier with this improvement, which allows clients to add a guest to their workspace without increasing the monthly fee. Prior to this update, our agency had to use a clunky workaround to share editing access with clients during development – we either had to ask clients to share login credentials with us, which goes against basic site security best practices, or we had to transfer the site back and forth between the client’s account and our own.


More Granular Site Access Options

Webflow will launch another improvement that enhances collaboration and security in early 2023. Webflow account holders will be able to grant access to specific sites within one workspace. This also greatly improves the current environment, which employs “all or none” access – meaning that anyone with access to a workspace can access all the projects in that workspace. 


Bulk Editing

This significant improvement enhances content management and primarily benefits clients with content-heavy websites that use the Collections function. The new functionality allows you to export an entire collection as a CSV, edit where necessary in Excel or other software, and then re-import back to Webflow to update the whole collection more efficiently. 


Multi-Language Websites

We can now create multilingual websites natively in Webflow! Rather than using other third-party systems to translate and upload, Webflow now has the native functionality to translate static content, dynamic content, alt text, and more. Webflow also now offers localization APIs to connect translations hosted on other platforms, such as Weglot.


Membership Websites (beta)

Webflow is working on a membership feature for clients who want to showcase members-only content, offer online courses, and allow members to manage their accounts. Prior to this update, our agency had to discard Webflow as an option if a client project required a members-only area. 


We Could Go On…

Webflow announced several other improvements, which were well received by Mangrove’s development team. As this system becomes more robust, it bears consideration for more complex website projects. Martins, and our other Webflow developers, look forward to putting these new features into use. 

You can read more about Webflow in this blog article, or contact our team to discuss whether Webflow is a good fit for your website project.

A Certified B Corp, Mangrove is a woman-owned website design and development company with a diverse, talented team distributed around the globe. We’ve been building websites since 2009 that amplify the work of change-making organizations and increase the competitive power of businesses owned by historically marginalized people.

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