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Website Development

Tapping into the POUR Principles

How accessibility fundamentals can expand your audience

June 28, 2024

Your website may be visually striking, filled with valuable content, and capable of attracting an audience, but is it inclusive and accessible to everyone who might visit it? Despite the critical importance of digital accessibility, there is a fair amount of work to be done before truly accessible websites are embraced as the status quo, so it’s important to recognize where your own site may need improvements. While there are many small details that can make this process feel overwhelming, grouping accessibility requirements according to the principles of POUR can help provide clarity. We explore what each of these principles represent and how they can help expand your audience.

a laptop computer with a refreshable braille display sitting on top of a desk.

5 Strategies for Optimizing your Donation Form

Practical tips to increase accessibility and enhance giving opportunities

June 17, 2024

It’s no secret that a cornerstone page on many nonprofit websites is the donation form. In many cases, donation forms are the primary channel for potential donors, making them a significant giving resource. Ensuring your form is optimized and accessible is one action that could enhance your fundraising efforts. Here, we explore five ways to optimize your donation form to increase giving potential and make it usable by as many visitors as possible.

A computer screen displaying a nonprofit’s donation form

How Mangrove Serves Startups

Dive into our work with 5 visionary organizations

April 8, 2024

Helmed by trendsetters, innovators and industry changemakers, startups bring something fresh to the marketplace—a product or service that can empower groups of people, fill vital gaps, or move industries in a different direction. Authentic branding and efficient websites are critical for their success. We dive into our collaborative work with 5 visionary startups.

A sparkler burning a sunset in the background

Making the Business Case for Website Redesign in 2024

Key steps to secure support for revamping your digital presence

December 29, 2023

Updating your website every 2-3 years can help keep it current, on trend, and maintain a positive user experience. Here’s a look at the key steps you can take to build a convincing case for this important and strategic undertaking.

Laptop screen with UX sketches in black and white

Website Accessibility and the Law

An overview of North American web accessibility legislation

September 7, 2023

It’s critical to ensure that everyone can use your website; first and foremost, it’s the ethical thing to do. Second, it’s good for business, and finally, it could keep you out of legal trouble. In the fifth and final article in our accessibility series we provide an overview of accessibility legal considerations in the U.S. and Canada.

A digital blueprint drawing of a judge’s gavel on a black background.

What Is a Headless Content Management System?

Is this emerging website architecture right for your site build?

May 9, 2023

You’re likely familiar with the term CMS (content management system), a platform with a backend or content repository where editors can create, manage, and optimize digital content. Our beloved WordPress is an example of a CMS. Recently, the demand for a system that houses content and can display it anywhere beyond just a website has exploded. Enter what’s known as a headless CMS.

A classical-style statue of a woman with no head

Creating a Meaningful Impact Report

Tactics to make your next report easier and more engaging

March 16, 2023

At Mangrove, we’ve published an annual impact report since we became B Corp certified in 2016 and have helped many other organizations do the same. Over the years, we’ve discovered tools and tactics that make the process easier and result in a report that stakeholders are more likely to read. We’re sharing our insights here and hope they’ll make your next annual or impact report shine brighter with less effort.

building blocks

A Developer’s Thoughts on Recent Updates to Webflow

In which a Mangrove developer geeks out over Webflow improvements

December 14, 2022

Webflow provides a templated, “no-code” development approach that Mangrove often uses for website projects that have a simplified scope or…
Webflow Conference 2022 banner

Two Exciting Honors is an Awwwards and Anthem Awards nominee

February 11, 2022

Our global Mangrove team is thrilled to announce that, a project of the Take On Wall Street (TOWS) campaign, is an Awwwards nominee and a finalist in the first-annual Anthem Awards.

Anthem Awards

The Technical Side of Launching a Website

Know what’s ahead before your site goes live

October 19, 2021

At Mangrove, building websites is a collaborative process. Our team does a lot, but the client and other industry professionals also play an essential role. Knowing what’s involved on the technical side of your site going live will help you prepare for a successful launch.

A laptop computer is open on a desk with two hands typing. A second computer screen is in the background.

Who Is Responsible for Online Privacy?

Online privacy: me or we?

October 4, 2021

We are increasingly aware that online privacy is an illusion in many cases. After a stream of privacy investigations, publicized data breaches, and insider leaks, trust is plummeting and it appears that most efforts from governments and Tech Giants to deliver change have fallen short. The issues involved in online privacy are complicated, and placing responsibility for protecting personal data solely on the individual web visitor is unrealistic and misplaced. The one thing most of us can agree upon is that personal data must be protected. So, as an organization with a website, where does that responsibility land?

Three people are seen from above. They are seated and sharing a computer. Their heads and faces are not visible, but you can see their arms pointing at the computer screen.

Accessibility Considerations Matter in Website Development

Understanding of the coding side of website accessibility

April 14, 2021

When our team talks to clients about website accessibility, we break it down into three categories: content, design and development. In this post, we’ll cover the key considerations from a development perspective. Many elements come into play when we talk about developing for accessibility. There are a range of edits that can be done “under the hood” to ensure the website code properly interacts with screen readers and other assistive technology tools.  
Photo of Assistive Technology keyboard

Tips for Selecting the Perfect Technology Partner for Your Next Website Project

Building Your Business' Voltron

March 17, 2021

Alex Levin is the CEO and Co-Founder at L+R, an award-winning strategy consulting firm and digital design studio. Mangrove often partners with L+R for their design and UX/UI expertise. We invited Alex to offer insight into factors design firms should consider when choosing a technology partner.

A group of friends hanging out

Client Spotlight: Beneficial State Foundation

Building the Clean Air Vehicles Program

June 12, 2019

Here at Mangrove, we can proudly say that we believe in what our clients do, and that’s one of the many reasons we love what we do. Today, we’re taking the opportunity to shine the spotlight on Beneficial State Foundation’s (BSF) Clean Vehicle Assistance Program (CVAP). We partnered with BSF to build a customizable WordPress website that shares information about CVAP and the important work they’re doing to support low-income families in California.

A family of four and the daughter holding car keys

Client Spotlight: Elemental Excelerator

How EEx helps startups transform communities

November 13, 2018

We’re lucky, here at Mangrove, in that we get to work with some pretty great people. In addition to our team of designers and developers (who are rad), our clients are an amazing bunch. We feel it’s important to take some time to highlight the important work that they are doing, and this month we are shining our spotlight on Elemental Excelerator (EEx). We spoke to their Communications Lead Lauren Tonokawa about the work they are doing to make the world a better place.

a group of people surrounded by tall coconut trees

WordPress Security Best Practices

How to keep your site healthy and safe

September 19, 2018

An unfortunate reality these days is that websites are under pretty constant attack from hackers; according to, Google blacklists around 70,000 websites each week for different kinds of nefarious online behaviors! Most hackers utilize “brute force attacks” where they try as many different combinations of login credentials as possible to get into a site. Once inside, they might steal valuable client information or mess with your website just because they can. So, what can you do to protect your website and avoid these online pests?

locks on fence

Thinking about a project?