How Nonprofits Can Use Google Ad Grants to Drive Traffic
Tips to prepare your website and marketing strategy
September 25, 2024
If you struggle to attract visitors to your nonprofit website, you’re not alone. Even with a compelling site, many nonprofit organizations don’t get the traction they’re after. By infusing Google Ads into your marketing strategy, you can encourage supporters to visit and engage with your site by increasing awareness of your mission and work. Plus, eligible nonprofits can receive up to $10,000 per month in Google Ad Grants to promote their cause. This guide looks at how you can align Google Ads with your broader marketing approach to drive traffic.

Artificial Intelligence Is Set to Shake Up Search Results
Emerging trends in Google search point to ongoing importance of SEO
July 17, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives, from content creation to data analysis. And it’s beginning to impact how we search for information online. While SEO will continue to define useful content, AI will change how algorithms evaluate it. We take a look at what you need to know about SEO and AI.

Getting Indexed
How to alert search engines of new or re-launched sites
March 22, 2019
Search Engine Optimization — making sure that it’s easy for search engines like google to find your site — is a complicated and ever-changing field that often starts with some basic indexing. Learn about how to index your site in Google and other search engines so you can be found