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Biomimicry Institute
Harnessing nature-inspired solutions for today's biggest problems

New Energy Nexus Lithium Map
Accelerating the world’s energy transition by helping entrepreneurs succeed

Metropolitan Planning Council
A force for equity and racial justice across the greater Chicago region.

The New Americans Campaign
The leading national collaborative devoted to increasing rates of naturalization

Fighting to end global health crises through iconic fundraising partnerships

Winnipeg Film Group | Dave Barber Cinematheque
An artist-run nonprofit committed to promoting the art of the moving image

World Affairs
Bringing people together to turn global ideas into local actions

Sierra Club Canada Foundation
Protecting our environment, communities, and future via grassroots engagement

Tipping Point Community
Breaking the cycle of poverty in California’s Bay Area

Prospect Sierra
A nationally recognized independent TK-8 school providing joyful, caring, in-depth learning

Mikva Challenge
Preparing youth to be informed citizens and leaders through civic action

FortWhyte Alive
Connecting humans with nature through unforgettable shared experiences

For the Many
Giving power to everyday people for a better New York

Stop Wall Street Looting
Urging voters to take action against private equity wealth extraction

Supportive Housing Community Land Alliance
Creating equitable, environmentally sustainable homes

Is Our Economy Fair?
Educating activists to create a better financial system for all

Elemental Excelerator
Advancing climate tech by funding innovative startups

Korean Community Center of the East Bay
Empowering immigrants with resources at critical moments of their lives